"I just have to write to tell you that I am absolutely thriled with the Moisturising System Serum... feom the first few days of applying it, I noticed how much better my skin was looking. It made me realise how much moisture my skin had been lacking. I use all the Ultra Care + products which successfully ensure that my skin does not show te years, and I found that the Moisturising System Serum just pulls it all together in synergy and has given my face a lift where there was previously a little sagging. I am just thrilled to bits and want to thank you for being there at the other end of the phone and for all your advice and patience. All high quality service in my opinion. Mary Swain, Sutton "I am so pleased that you have made it possible (by taking on the distributorship for Nutrimetics) for me to continue purchasing my favourite skincare products. It took me decades to find a skincare range to which I am not allergic – and the prospect of going back to the drawing board to find an alternative doesn’t even bear thinking about!" Gill Coutts, North Ayrshire
"I have been using Nutrimetics for the last five years and since I heard that I could no longer buy them I have struggled to find anything else that suits my skin. Today, I have received a letter stating that I may be able to purchase them from you? If that’s possible, that would be great news!" Julie Barrett
"I joined Nutrimetics in 1970, first as an active consultant, then becoming an independent consultant. I am now 77 and recognise the use of Nutrimetics products over 40+ years has been a large factor in keeping my skin looking so young and healthy. I congratulate you on taking this big step to act as a the distributor in the UK for the future. Thank you and Good Luck." June Wade, Yorkshire
"After using the Nutrimetics CLEAR range, my son’s skin has improved out of sight. His skin was blemished and also irritated from electric shaving." K Bailey, Rainham, Kent.
"Having used Nutrimetics CRE crème and the Retinol Anti Wrinkle Serum for several years, I bought the Boots Protect and Prevent crème as everyone was raving about it. Initially for the first few days I saw quite a difference but soon I realised it was not having the same effect as the CRE crème and Retinol Serum and the lines around my mouth became much more visible. I’ve now gone back to Nutrimetics serums and they are much better now." Irena Hailsham
"Five years ago my skin began to change for the worse, it became oily, spotty and generally dull. I began a campaign of trying to sort my skin out and have spent hundreds, if not more, on different brands of skincare and make up. They didn’t work. I became resolved to the fact that this was the way my skin was until I came across the Nutrimetics Comfort Range. I was first attracted to the range as it was made of natural ingredients and not tested on animals. I didn’t expect to see much of a change to my skin but hoped that it would make some difference.After just a few weeks my skin is so much better. It is clearer, not oily and more alive than it has been in quite some time (bar the occasional spot) the pink scars I have from the acne are also disappearing. Lots of people have commented on it. Not only does my skin look better it feels great. Thank you Nutrimetics for the fantastic products you have." Lianne Lewis Berkshire. |